Anime Chill Lounge🛋
Willkommen! wir laden dich herzlich ein auf den Server zu Joinen, wir sind zwar noch eine kleine Community und haben ein bisschen mehr als 20 User, würden uns trotzdem freuen dich bei uns aufm Server zu sehen
Hotel LTM
🇬🇧 A nice and cozy bilingual (Polish - English) server. Come and hangout with us 🇵🇱 Miły i przytulny dwujęzyczny (polsko - angielski) serwer. Przyjdź i zrelaksuj się z nami
welcome to the server OblivionNPC | you can play games, Mudae bot, free wallpapers, free nsfw(DM me), memes, lofi 24/7, and so forth.
The Short Bus
Pro-Free Speech server, come one come all, and decide for yourselves who's right and who's wrong about whatever it is you're complaining about.
Endless. inc 🪐
A Discord server with a Music Bot, a NSFW channel, Money System and Much more! Make friends and enjoy 19 different categories and around 100 channels, here at Endless. Inc We've got (almost) everything.
Electric Kiss
This server is oriented towards adults 18+. We are small now, but growing steadily. NSFW. So far, the community is mostly bdsm community driven, but we are open to all who are nice and chill. Women owned and operated.
Divider Advertise Server
A commnuity with many useful and fun bot! Also a community with friendly and active staff! And an Advertising Community!