Red Flood | {Work-in-progre…
53 members
Antebellum : The Victorian Era Two decades after Napoleon was defeated at the battle of waterloo, Europe came together in the congress of Vienna to ensure the balance of power. At the same time, new machinery and technological advancements ushered .
History of Everything
3,106 members
We're a friendly community focused on history, open to those who wish to learn more about history
Discord Nations
1,265 members
We here at DN run a miniature world for anybody to partake in. So sit back, relax, and prepare for global politics like you've never seen.
The Turbulent Times
249 members
[T3]=- The Turbulent Times [RP, NRP, Nation RP, Discord] The world recovered after this dark unknown epoch. In a decade, new civilizations started to emerge. New world, new ideologies, new alliances.