Ebisu's house
Welcome to Ebisu's House !!! ・Mục tiêu của sever là tạo nên một cộng đồng nơi mọi người có thể chia sẻ, chuyện trò về đủ thứ trên thế giới ╰Sever là nơi đem đến những câu chuyện giản dị thường ngày, vui vẻ khiến ta yêu đời hơn
The friendliest LGBTQ+ & BDSM Community. A safe space for all peoples! Whether you want to chat, lurk or get lewd you can find it all here!
The LGBTQ+ Community
We are a safe-space community for all ❤LGBTQ+ people and non-LGBTQ+ people❤. With frequent events in writing📝, gaming🎮, photography📷and art🎨, accompanied by very welcoming and friendly members, you'll be sure to find your place here!❤❤
🎉 Must be 18+🎉 Plenty of different channels and roles🎉 Pic sharing channels🎉 Male4Male🎉 Dating match finder by location #channels
Explore the details, mindsets, and developments of those in or connected to the Marauders from Harry Potter. NSFW. ADULTS ONLY. ADV LIT.
Are you hungry for some ube? Do you want more sustenance? Are you looking for a US-based Filipino Server?
comfort quilt
a safe, comforting, and fun place to hang out in! join for frens :D
🌊 ༄𝐺𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑜 𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ ✩🦈
Well Hello, new traveler Welcome to Gelato Beach!!! A server meant to be your comfort corner of Discord!!! A place to make new friends
LGBTQIA+ BRASIL! - TRANSMISSÃO ONLINE DO MUNDIAL | Bate-Papo | Anime | Manga | Doramas | Videojogos | 18+