Blooming Bots
Booming Bots is an alternate universe based on the Indie horror franchise 'Five Nights at Freddy's'. In this AU, the animatronic robots have been fitted to appeal to those 18+, while also having other family friendly locations.
The Chill Zone 18+
This is a place where you can kick back and Chill! We are 420 friendly. We are streamer friendly. Overall, this is a safe place to have fun!
Shitopia 🎄
Welcome to Shitopia darlings~ This is a chill hangout server for furries, but if you’re a non-furry we’d love for you to join too! RP and ERP is more than welcome, you can even own a custom channel for it!
Beastriar War
The Beastriar world is full of all sorts of creatures. Wars are fought, Plagues and diseases spread, and characters triumph and die.
second universe
You're looking for a cool server where you can meet friends? No problem! We're a little community with events such as movie nights, an own bot and more...!