Anime Paradise
Anime Paradise is Anime and Hentai based server serving all age groups. The server divided into 2 zones SFW zone and NSFW zone. You will have the freedom to choose between zones
We are a HIVE server that specialises with hypnosis, drones and programming. If you like to listen to hypno files and be in a HIVE community to better your lifestyle then you'll fit right in. Warning: You will need ID to enter the server.
Pearls of Jannah
Pearls of Jannah is a Muslim-friendly server, focused on helping loners or bored people find friends to play with. This can include just temporary friendships or a full-on life long friendship!
Do you like Dragon Ball? So do we! Come join us and play all kinds of games from really old PS games like Budokai Tenkaichi 3 to Sparking! Zero! Engage in Paid Tournaments, DB Daima Parties every week, manga/anime talk, and casual Sparking! Zero!
Plural Sanctuary
đź’“Plural-only server | Traumagenic-focused but other plural types welcome! đź’“PluralKit/Tupperbox Enabled đź’“Fair moderation đź’“Aims to be VC-focused đź’“Server owner is in their mid-30s (body age) đź’“Easy onboarding steps đź’“DID/OSDD Littles are welcome
Financial Tech Wiz
Join the Financial Tech Wiz community and connect with like-minded traders and investors!
Hellcast is a Hellaverse-centric server where fans can share content, theories, and chat! (SFW, 15+)
The Blacklist
A no drama, no BS group of experienced spiritual practitioners. Not for the faint of heart.