The French Hub 🇫🇷🇺🇸😎
The French Hub is a great French and English learning server for everybody to join! We are kind and welcoming to all.
NEW and revived iteration of the old Germanic server! Updated and carefully polished by old and new staff to make sure all have a good time :) For those interested in discussing Germanic history, culture, languages, religion and so on!
Chama de Loki
🔥 Chama de Loki 🔥 é um pequeno servidor dedicado a divindade Loki, sua família e ao paganismo em geral. Todas as religiões são bem-vindas desde que respeitem as crenças alheias! 🚫 NÃO SOMOS SERVIDOR DE RP OU DO LOKI DO UNIVERSO MARVEL 🚫
Türkçe Öğren | Learn Turkish
Learn Turkish faster than you had expect to learn through joining this server!
🌍DREAM WORLD🌈 es una comunidad de discord en la cual podrás elegír si quieres verlo en inglés o en español. 🌍DREAM WORLD🌈 is a discord community with an impressive project. On this server you can choose if you want to see it in English or Spanish.
Developer Italia
Benvenuto, qui potrai trovare una community dove scambiare idee, pareri e codici!