War and More

8 members

This server is about War Thunder and all other types of war games. I'm looking to build a friendly and fun community of people who enjoy these types of games. I look forward to meeting you.

Reality 0

32 members

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42 members

Welcome to Bounnet. Wine and German troops run the town, and tensions rise. Resistance stirs with each wasted bottle. Will the Vintner or the Wehrmacht win? Shape history, join us today!


21 members

Szukasz ogarniΔ™tego, Ε›wieΕΌego i ciekawego serwera RP o drugiej wojnie Ε›wiatowej? Oto **WARSZAWA - 2wΕ› RP**. Oferujemy: >>CiekawΔ… mechanikΔ™ >>DuΕΌo kanaΕ‚Γ³w RP >>RealistycznΔ… rozgrywkΔ™ >>Obeznanego ownera Oraz wiele wiΔ™cej! To co? Widzimy siΔ™?

π“π‘πž π’π‘Επ°πš 𝐞𝐫𝐚

66 members

The Showa era spanned from 1926 to 1989, covering the reign of Emperor Hirohito. It was marked by significant historical events including World War II, post-war reconstruction, economic growth, and social change.


30 members

It's a new server and ngl has amazing memeber . we love history . Sometimes we Do goffyyy ahhh history so try joining it You will love it fr fr fr . Also we are not super sensitive unlike other server where you will get banned for saying anything

πŸ•―Imperial Gerdland

129 members

Ourgroup offers immersive experience in city on brink of war and political unrest.Players can roleplay as immigrants, raiders, or soldiers,shaping the outcome of KΓΆnigsberg. Various factions and job opportunities add depth to the dark and dangerous world.

βŸ…ππ‡πβŸ†β”‹π‡π«π―πšπ­π¬π€πš 𝐁𝐫𝐒𝐠𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐛π₯…

398 members


40 members

Burgundia is back! Which side will you be on? Join our roleplay server and choose to play as a original character or as a historical character!


10 members

new community for tank lovers and warthunder lovers

Manananggal Devils

75 members

We are the Manananggal Devils or simply the M Devils. We are a Roblox group focused on casual Multicrew Tank Combat & Empire Clash. Here, we gather to enjoy our favourite games in a laid-back environment.

mili & history community

102 members

Welcome to the Mili & History Community! Our server is dedicated to all things military and historical.