Hogwarts : School of Witchcโ€ฆ

149 members

Experience the Wizarding World in your discord now!! Attend Hogwarts ,do classes duel others ,play quidditch and many things to do here ! Join us now !!! We recommend only potterheads to join because others will not understand anything !! Have fun here !!

Hogwarts World

6 members

Share your love of all things Harry Potter with like-minded members of the discord community!


21 members

Harry Potter Community.


994 members

FREE AAA GAMES ! Join now and Start hoarding games like Hogwarts Legacy , Atomic Heart, Ready Or Not and many more new AAA Games completely for free !

๐–จ ๐–ญ ๐–ข ๐–ค ๐–ญ ๐–ฃ ๐–จ ๐–ด ๐–ฌ.

85 members

ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€(ใ€€โใ€€)ใ€€theใ€€hallsใ€€ofใ€€hogwartsใ€€ openใ€€ onceใ€€ more,ใ€€ andใ€€ thisใ€€time, thingsใ€€ feelใ€€ different.ใ€€ amongใ€€ newใ€€ decrees,ใ€€newใ€€faces,ใ€€andใ€€newใ€€fears,ใ€€ theใ€€ studentใ€€bodyใ€€ andใ€€facultyใ€€alikeใ€€ struggleใ€€ใ€€toใ€€ ใ€€ faceใ€€ใ€€theใ€€ใ€€reality.


42 members

We are HOGWARTS For the best Harry Potter and Hogwarts Role Play or just fun chat We have a real Sorting Hat and Wand Maker and you can Pick out your Broom and play quidditch or help your House win the House Cup!

HP: The Shadow Veil

32 members

Join us in a thrilling roleplay Hogwarts adventure, where magic and myth collide. Uncover secrets, battle the forces of darkness, and shape the worldโ€™s fate

Diagon Alley Int'l

31 members

The best place to find all types of adventurers from the far side of Mordor to the field of Quitage at Hogwarts, maybe even the Space Port of Tatoowine. What ever your heart desires you can find them here enjoy your stay and as always Light Speed.

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48 members

__**โŒ— `๐Ÿ“œ`๏น•"Caro(a) aluno(a), temos o prazer de informar que vocรช foi aceito(a) na Escola de Magia e Bruxaria de Hogwarts. Sua jornada em nossa escola serรก mรกgica e uma oportunidade para aprender mais sobre vocรช e seus companheiros .**__

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24 members

Welcome to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!!! Here you'll meet lots of wizards and witches! Go to class, duel, play quidditch, explore, party, make up fun scenarios, etc!! Be an OC or a cannon character!

โ˜พโ€ขโ”ƒ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐‚๐ฎ๐ซ๐ฌ๐ž ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐’๐š๐ฅ๐š๐ณ๐š๐ซโ”ƒโ˜พโ€ข

23 members

* Neuer interaktiver Hogwarts RP Server * geschrieben wird in Echtzeit * Romanstil und Sternchenstil * Schreibe deine eigene Geschichte! * Zukรผnftig Server Events und Unterrichts Events * Hogwarts in der Neuzeit

The Harbinger

23 members

This is an 18+ server with a literate writing requirement, original Hogwarts RP. Canon characters won't be up for grabs as I want to encourage new characters to join the Wizarding World.