⌗opulent empire༊ˎˎᴿⱽᴹᴾ
Opulent empire has -kpop roleplay -kawaii emotes -aesthetic layout -friendly members -kind staff -general chatting -vent channels -partnerships
Envision Server
Welcome to Envision! We are a general use discord server for your every day chatting needs and a daily dose of the internet. All sorts of people are welcome here! from people without jobs to doctors and young people to the elderly!
Lovebirds | Dating • Socia…
Welcome To Lovebirds !! An incredible casual, Chilling,dating & chat community! Let's connect together .
Shigata City
We're happy to invite you into Shigata City, a friendly community centered around roleplay and casual chatting. We make use of an auction system for selling and buying other role-players with in-server currency.
Mos Eisley Spaceport CZ/SK
Mos Eisley Spaceport, největší CZ/SK server pro pokec o SW, Galaxy of Heroes nebo jen obecně o geek tématech. Mos Eisley Spaceport, the largest CZ/SK server for chatting about SW, Galaxy of Heroes or just geek topics in general.
💀✨Dum Dum Culture Club✨💀
Dum Dum Culture Club (25+) A fun, friendly, welcoming, and diverse place for friends.
Plural Gang Emoji Dump
Collect Emoji. Plural kit Enabled same with eventually Tupperkit. Run by Earth & Dusk Media. Nitro emoji dump server also listed on NQN.