Make friends, have fun together, enjoy and try little bit flirting XD. this is the community of world wide talking each other share skills makes friends streaming games video video chat audio chat and much more
Gamers Voice Chat
A simple voice chat for gamers to chat and stream games together. Connect with the automated bots within our discord channel...
the crib
THE CRIB: your hangout serv join our serv to: - vc - chill with people - play games - chat - maybe giveaways?
Are you lonely? looking for some fun? Then you've come to the right place! Join this server to meet new people, chat, & play games!
Rat Cult
This server is all about having fun and making new friends! Play games, meet new people, chat, do anything!
Comunity with chat, meme, football teams, games (minecraft,fortnite,gta etc) and bot games (akinator,pokemon etc)
Only Jacob's community
Youtuber ''Only Jacob server! Chat with fellow members of the server, chat about roblox games and other things!
UNICORN CONDOS ; - Daily 2P Working condos - Active chat - Private games - Weekly giveaways
Gathering Asylum
Anime chat, Content creator chat, gaming chat, LGBTQA chat, general chat, Roleplay chat, Dating chat, R18+ chat {Restricted for others safety}, lastly, trivia games
Giveaway ・ Chat ・ Memes ・ Music ・Games ・bot chat GPT ・Anime ・Sports・social・nsfw