151 members

Our server assists students with their homework, coursework, exams, and other academic assignments.

Psychology Nerds

783 members

A server fostering high quality discussion on both academic & non-academic pursuit: Psychology; Free Resource; Philosophy; economics and much more. Members from all the walks of life are welcome to join! Trolling will lead you to instant ban.

Study for pay

224 members

πŸŽ“ Seeking academic support? Look no further! Join our vibrant community at Study Pay, where expert assistance awaits.


5,053 members

πŸ“šπŸ” 1. Welcome to our Homework server, where you can hire experienced tutors to provide assistance with your assignments, tests, and exams. They are here to support and guide you towards academic success! πŸ€πŸ’―


408 members

**StudyTa ** Join our supportive community for focused study sessions, weekly events, a monthly podcast on study tips, and curated resources. Perfect for students and lifelong learners aiming for academic success. [Join](


25 members

The "Online University" Discord server is a community for over 2,300 members focused on homework, schoolwork, exams, and programming. It offers dedicated channels for studying, sharing resources, and discussing various academic subjects.

Homework Solutions | Help w…

129 members

This server is created to help Accounting and Finance Students and Professionals seeking assistance with Assignments, Quizzes, Tutoring Sessions, Tests, Projects, Exams, and Academic Support Services. Brief Description

Hire A Tutor

12,994 members

We are a homework help community where you can PAY highly vetted tutors. it's an academic tutoring service in course-works, Exams & Homework in subject such as Economics,Accounting , Essay, Math, computer science, Biology, Physics,, CHEMISTRY,Law & more

π‡πˆπ‘π„πƒ π“π”π“πŽπ‘π’ β«·Bβ«Έ

814 members

πŸ‘€πŸ“š Need a tutor? Look no further! Hired Tutors Discord server offers knowledgeable tutors ready to help you ace your subjects. Join now for personalized academic support and excel in your studies! πŸŒŸπŸŽ“

Homework , essays, research…

1,597 members

The Discord server is a vibrant hub for working students seeking academic assistance. It offers a variety of channels dedicated to different subjects, where experienced tutors and fellow students collaborate to tackle assignments and essays.


706 members

Unite with fellow students Instant homework help and free access to Chegg, CourseHero, Bartleby, Numerade, and more. Collaborate, share resources, and conquer academic challenges together. Assemble now and become an academic Avenger!

⌣ꜝꜝ ・𝐇𝐐 β€” 𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐇 ⟒

22 members

Join us! We're an 18+ (sfw) haikyuu roleplay server set in an academic au β€· . . . each student of this institution is selected as one of the best minds in the subject β€” the institute offers a variety of majors in engineering, mathematics, and science!