Kink City
Wir haben viele verschiedene Bezirke und Straßen, in denen sich Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene und Experten, die über 18 Jahre alt sind, über ihre Vorlieben austauschen können. Hier kannst du Gleichgesinnte, neue Freunde und vielleicht auch mehr finden.
Crimson Café
Crimson Café - A friendly server accepting of all 13+ Join now and invite your friends! Lots of emojis and roles as well as fun channels! Starting off small with big hopes for the future. Be a part of our crimson crew ❤️
Sanctuary of the Doomed
**Join the Sanctuary today and discover a community that embraces the darkness, celebrates the thrill of survival, and proves that even in the face of doom, hope endures. ❤️**
6 AM
An 18+ JJK and horror enthusiast community!
Generation Gaming
A chill place for ages 30+ to chill and game and find real connections with like minded people of all ranges!
Friend group server
We are a friendly gaming server looking for kind hearted people. You can also find gaming partners here.
✿ Dumb B!tch Club | 21+ ✿
Welcome to the club! We are a hangout and social community full of kinky cool kids. All dumb bitches are welcome! ✿ - female owned ❀ - LGBTQIA+ friendly ✿ - ID-Gated 21+ ❀ - nsfw channels ✿ - weekly events ❀ - fun, friendly and chill people ツ
Trigger Happy
Welcome to Trigger Happy! ༒We are a small community of 18+ artists, writers, readers, and gamers! ༒ NSFW channels for BL, GL, & more! ༒ Nitro/Steam giveaways for active members
LGBTQ hangout and support g…
Looking for a relaxed and friendly space to hang out? This server is all about good vibes! Whether you're into gaming, music, or just chatting, everyone is welcome. Be yourself and enjoy the fun!