Kingstown East
18 members
Mobile Gaming, Social and Community Server by King Xavid. Make new friends with people with similar interests, casually chat around, play games with foes in voice chats! #ShareYourLife without fear of being judged!
16 members
Sme Cz SK Comunita ludi ktory Ktory sa navzajmo podporuju Maju rady hry Futbal Hokej Športi Anime A Mangu sme Priatelski a bereme medzi seba každeho
7 members
# SALUT A TOUS ❤️ En quoi consiste notre serveur❓ Ce serveur sert a affronter des gens tout en pouvant gagner de l’argent. Vous pouvez bien évidemment faire des 1v1 ou autres sans rien payer mais c’est pas le but du serveur ducoup
Mobile Zone😱🥶
6 members
Eu based server inclusive server🏳️🌈 to hang out and find people to play mobile games with🫡