Welcome to our Pity Party!! A roleplay server based on video game franchise ‘Danganronpa’ with a few differences..our server is Melanie Martinez themed(specifically K-12 or Crybaby themed) server <3
Club Koala server is home to many gamers! Club Koala Game is currently under development by an indie gaming studio! We aspire to make the worlds best AI powered game/gaming platform! Join us on our journey and become a Beta Tester!
pickle's party
Just a server meant for hanging out and finding like minded people
Party Animals DE/AT/CH
Deutscher Community-Server für das bald erscheinende Game Party Animals! Regelmäßige News zum Spiel, eine nette Community und viele Events und Giveaways nach Release! Schaut gerne vorbei. :)
Syndromedia Official Server
The official server for the Corpse Party (2021) English Dub by Syndromedia.
Zenith Party Recruitment
Unofficial Zenith vrMMO LFG server ! Find a gaming party, guild, or players to help you in-game!