Penny Stock Alerts

15,765 members

The #1 Growing Community to Learn to trade Penny Stocks the right way! Receive Trade Alerts on the hottest stocks. Get alerts before the big move. We provide a nightly and premarket watchlist! Stock, OTC, and options ALERTS!

WallStreet Trades

92 members

:WumpusHype: More member gains.",,, Best trading community, best gain rate. They provide live alerts" Really great place for stock , options, day, and swing trading. and get ultra good at stocks and crypto from our server

Options Day Trading

956 members

🤩Daily trade alerts netting +20% ON AVERAGE each day for our members! 💵We tell you exactly WHAT to buy, WHEN to buy, and when to SELL. 💰A team of experienced traders is always available to help beginners!

Aurora Trading

22,682 members

At Aurora, we are revolutionizing the way stock market discord servers are perceived with our consistent results and dedicated staff members. We are a community that takes pride in not just pushing out buy/sell alerts to members .

SPY Kids

24 members

I'm starting an options trading service. I'm pretty good if I do say so myself. If you're feeling froggy then leap. 3 day trial included --


54 members

Unlock your trading potential with TradeSphere Where opportunity meets action.

Option Wizards

812 members

Option wizards, 3 admins who alert daily for free!

Daily Grind Trading

842 members

Join us for the best swing trading signals anywhere on Discord. Verified by WSJ, our admins have well over 7 figures in profits, each.

Wealth Builder's Collective

361 members

Where you don’t spend a dime and make more money than you ever have before✅

NVSTly: Social Investing | …

43,827 members

Everything stocks, futures, forex & crypto | Active trading community | Trade signals, alerts, & analysis | Educational

Daily Bull Trading

582 members

Join the best trading community to learn how to day trade from scratch.

1,236 members

Stocks & Options Tools For All Levels of Retail Traders For Free!