Mobile Legend Top Up
🌺Cheap Price🌺 🌺Instant delivery🌺 🌺How to find your UID& Server Open the game and log in. Make sure you're on the main screen where you can see your character. Tap on your profile icon in the upper left corner of the screen.
The Legend Of Zelda: TriFor…
Welcome to The Legend of Zelda: TriForce Timelines! We are a Zelda RP server inspired by many Anime such as Jujutsu Kaisen, Naruto, Bleach, and so on. Come on in, make an OC, take a Canon Character, and have some fun!
◓Pokémon: Legend League◓ 18+
--[Pokemon: Lewd League]-- An (e)RP server where you can play as your favorite Pokemon character, or even your own Original Character! We offer a mix between ERP and Story Driven content. All forms of RP are welcomed and encouraged here.
Strefa Ligi Legend
Zdarza ci się że nie masz z kim pograć w ligusie i szukasz kompana do gry? Zapraszamy na serwer! Does it happen to you that you have no one to play league with and you are looking for a companion to play with? We welcome to the server! PL / ENG
Legend Sports Picks
Save yourself the time and money of looking all over different discords, choose legend and get access to multiple in one.