Islamic Thought
A server dedicated to high standard conversations around Islam, comparative theology, and philosophy, while also being a platform to keep each other up to date on what we ought to know about the world around us.
Looking for a female only Muslim discord server? Look no further join us!
🎨Islamic Creators🎨
🎨Islamic Creators🎨 Welcome to our Shia Muslim community! Share your Islamic art or enjoy others' creations. This is a hub to connect artists with those seeking their talents. Join us to explore creativity and learn about Shia Islam.
Dar al-Sufiyyah
Welcome to this brand new Sufi Islamic Discord server accepting people from all religions and creeds who wish to socialize and learn more about the beautiful Islamic tradition.
Yalla Auto MM
MuslimLife Discord Server | Islamic (People who are not Muslim may also join!)
Al-Qaim | القائِم
Dunya is a Shia Islamic server where you can learn about Islam and hang out with other Muslims.
Un Rappel Islamique 🕋
🤔| Le serveur est consacré sur l'apprentissage de la région, par le billet des paroles des pieux prédécesseurs ou bien de savants contemporains (jamais mes propres paroles).
Quran Alone
This server is dedicated to upholding the principles of authentic Islamic theologies as described in the Qur'an, and where the Qur'an stands as our exclusive source of spiritual and religious guidance - this is often referred to as "Qur'an Alone".
Al-Irshad | الإرشاد
Al-Irshad is a islamic server that is welcome for all! We offer many text, debate and gaming channels, and 100+ educational Channels defending islam and shias, shia-sunni polemics and many more!
Qur'an recitation class
Basic Qur'an class where I listen to your Qur'an recitation in a voice channel and help you with memorisation and reciting well for males only.