Byte Lounge
This server was made so that other people could learn how to ethically hack, how to further develop knowledge or if you fancy a challenge and join our capture the flag(CTF) team and win prizes.
World War 0x - $WW3 FPS
A browser based, first person shooter built on Polygon.
Martial Law DayZ
NEW US PC 1PP PVP PVE Expansion server Chernarus Law IP The economy in our server is based mostly on weapons trading, hunting, fishing, collecting silver, drug trading, bounty hunting, zombie/player kill streak rewards
UltimateMC Network
UM // Community! This server is a part and the most important server of UM // Network. This is our biggest community so far.
Reborn : Shinobi Sorcerers
> :first_place:| Division 1 | 15m+ Bounties > :second_place:| Division 2 | 5m+ Bounties > :third_place:| Division 3 | 2.5m+ Bounties