Looking for a server where you can talk about Linux and Mac? You are in good hands!
Daily Language
You are learning a language and want to meet other people, who do the same? You are looking for help with learning a new language? Or You are interested in learning a language and want to start learning one? Then this is the perfect Server for you!
Shadow Of War Roleplay
Welcome! Looking to roleplay? Well then, our server offers: - Roleplay - Active Staff - A D20 And A Freefight Fighting System - Many Forts And Outposts To Conquer - All Of The In Game Tribes For More Check Out Our Long Description!
Brotherhood of Gamers
Krocząc samotnie ciemną uliczką, napotykasz tajemniczą postać. Nie widzisz twarzy, lecz słyszysz głos, który przemawia do Ciebie: -Witaj, nazywają mnie Prorokiem. Widzę, że samemu kroczysz drogą gier wieloosobowych. Przytakujesz.