Hello There, This Is A Very Friendly Server, This Is A Community Server For Everyone Who Just Want To Make Friends , We Only Want Members And Boosts, Boost Level 2 Would Be Preferred Only If You Guys Enjoy Your Stay Here, Looking Forward To Meeting You
Join this server if you are bored. Find new friends to game with or chill out with. Also you could find the love of your life. Join now to start talking. This is a chill non toxic server. We accept everyone!
Homeless Artists Shelter
~°~°~ Open art community dedicated to supporting other artists, sharing art, friendly competitions, and simply lounging with other artists! Safe for Everyone, LGBT+ Friendly ~°~°~
Wrist watch enthusiast community open to everyone! + Sneakers, fit-checks, foodies, much more! >>Giveaway at 100 members !<< 1st prize Casio vintage A168WA-1YES watch 2nd Nitro (1month) 3rd Basic Nitro (1month) Feel free to invite your friends!
|18+| .lil.dragons.
RaWr*Rawr*rawr*Rawr* ***LOOKIN FOR PARTNERS** new small server be yourself and make friends! games, vc, events always open to suggestions! 18+ join up, we are friendly to everyone
Creativehub community server
The MunchyHills Discord server is a fun Minecraft community server for everyone!
VILLAGE of KONOHA ❀ | Socia…
Everyone is free to enter, without problems of any kind!!
⋆ Haruna: Trading Hangout
Hello everyone 。◕‿◕。 This server can help you to sell your genshin and other games Or you can trade or buy any games here.
Meow! Welcome to Aviator Kitty/theRavenFeral/detectiveyandere's official discord server! Here, she/he gives sneak peeks on their upcoming works and everyone can share the art, writing or music that they create! Links to RP servers as well.
✘ Floppa campsite ✘
Hello and welcome to Floppa campsite!! We are an floppa camping themed server everyone is welcomed furrys LBTQ+ and other people!