Rise of Rhelegus

5,330 members

“If war is madness then Rhelegus is living in the apocalypse” — The True God of Xorbin. Programmatically generated unique NFTs waiting to be awakened on the ETH Blockchain.


150 members

1,000 Unique NFT Soldiers looking to be deployed into your wallets. Every single Soldier is completely unique from the last.

Dragon Doodle NFT

123 members

NFTs, Giveaways, Friends, Games, Fun!


170 members

P2E Game. You own miners - your loyal servants. You can let them work in your mine to find precious Dreamonite and valuable items or send them to the battlefield to fight monsters and other players

Straight Outta Kennel

86 members

Straight Outta Kennel is a rapidly growing NFT Project with a rich lore that aims at ultimately spawning a video game with an active community. The project will also donate to help animals in need.

The Epiko

6,454 members

✨ Ecosystem Blend of Strategic Mobile Game, Digital Motion Comics, AR Collectibles, NFTs for you.


133 members

Kehidupan bernegara. Komunitas discord ini terdiri mulai dari presiden, wakil presiden, menteri, hingga masyarakat.

MPower Club

410 members

Welcome to Pompeus Community, we share valuable information on crypto and NFT's & we help each other become the best version of ourselves!

Official PokeBots NFT

909 members

The PokeBots is a collection of generative bots with many elements inspired by our childhood monster anime. Each artwork is original, with unique elements to later be use in our upcoming NFT game.


833 members

CryptoServal is a game based on smart contracts running on the Ethereum blockchain.

Garuda Merchant Alliance

499 members

[NFT Community based on Indonesia] Garuda Merchant Alliance adalah Komunitas NFT Indonesia yang menyediakan wadah untuk berbagai Game NFT dan Art NFT Enthusiast untuk berdiskusi dan menjalin relasi satu dengan yang lain.

Spacetime Metaverse

5,525 members

In this project we are building a whole universe owned and managed by the users. 🎁Join the server for giveaways🎁