Ohio Gaming Community
I want to welcome everyone to join us at Ohio Gaming Community, OGC for short. We are a QBCore based economy based server with tons of great things to offer. We are currently Hiring for all positions, Our whitelisted jobs include LSPD, BCSO, SAHP, EMS/Fir
OcterModeration | Support
OcterBots Ltd offers a variety of free public bots to use ranging from moderation to management.
Odlotowe Bobaski
Serwer zrzeszający pasjonatów dobrej zabawy w internecie! Kanały publiczne, dużo kanałów tekstowych zapewniających możliwość dobrej zabawy (pogaduchy, chwalenie się osiągnięciami, zabawa w rysunki, ekonomia, kasyno itd), przejrzysty wygląd. Zapraszamy! :)
Central City
We are a chill server where everyone can relax, play games, send and see memes, meet new people, listen to music and chat about whatever.
Divider Advertise Server
A commnuity with many useful and fun bot! Also a community with friendly and active staff! And an Advertising Community!
Outback True Blues
We are an international server with members all across the globe! We are a laidback community server always looking for partnerships to reach beyond Australia!