The FedR8tion

3,011 members

Your free esports & gaming community site offering cash prizes. Free gaming tournament & leagues platform for you to create, host & play multiple games, as teams or 1v1 across a range of games. Duel 1v1 for cash. Over 45 of the best games to choose from.

Italian Squid

113 members

A Splatoon themed discord server made by crazy people for crazy people, everything can be posted here (black humor too). now featuring memes and hype for Splatoon 3

NintenDÖF 2.0

2,261 members

Werde Teil der aktivsten deutschsprachigen Nintendo Community ! Neben zahlreichen Mitspielern erwarten dich jede Menge an organisierten Spielerunden, Events, Gewinnspiele & Preisgelder in diversen Turnierformaten sowie ein umfangreicher E-Sports Bereich.

Splatoon3 - Español

117 members

Servidor de Splatoon 3 en Español, para hispano hablantes de Latinoamerica, España y el mundo.

The Initiative [ARCHIVE]

118 members

The Initiative is a multi server community, offering multiple verities for multiple types of players. With custom features and expansive content, you will feel like minecraft was new again!

Shae’s Space

9 members

Have fun and shitpost :)


33 members

This server is all about having fun and playing with your friends.You might meet new people. So help us so we can help u.

🌴 Ꮲꮻꮶꭼ́Ꮮꭺɴꭰ

1,799 members

Communauté Pokémon, Bienvenue sur Ꮲꮻꮶꭼ́Ꮮꭺɴꭰ !


56 members

C'est un serveur français (tout le monde peut rejoindre) pour Mario Strickers et plain d'autres jeux.

Team Hyper

34 members

Darbietung: Einen strukturierten Discord-Server Respektvolle, loyale und ehrliche Mitglieder.Zudem ein Casino System und in Zukunft auch Turniere

Mario Strikers

5,144 members

Welcome to the home of Mario Strikers! Play with or against others, participate in tournaments or just hang out with the community!

Free Games Notifier™

13,698 members

Get notified when paid games become free with Free Games Notifier™