Our server is the largest and most active banner / pfp / gif server in the world.
Yeezy || Editing Hub
Need a helpful community to help, rate, and give feedback to your edits? Join YEEZY Editing Hub!
/lvrs • cute n asthetic
Welcome to /lvrs! (girl-owned) join us today and make new friends and chat with new people (pls read page description)
Pearls of Jannah
Pearls of Jannah is a Muslim-friendly server, focused on helping loners or bored people find friends to play with. This can include just temporary friendships or a full-on life long friendship!
Servidor tematizado con diversidad de juegos con el único fin de buscar una compañía para divertirse.
Freakcentral P&R
**FREAKY SERVER JUST ENTERED** we're an active community with a freakalicious twist. hop into our vcs and hangout or chat your boredom out and use every bot you love.
Nuked 💥 nitro gw - socials …
Multiple giveaways, events and fun things to do in the server. Join to meet new interesting people everyday.