Set in a dystopian future millions of years after Earth’s destruction, humanity has established a mighty empire on the distant exoplanet of Eris, in a far away universe filled with competing alien factions and untold mysteries.
A Song of Soot and Sorrow
A GOT/ASOIAF roleplay server: Welcome to the steam age of Westeros.
Avian Capital
Client based community for forex, indices, commodity and crypto markets. Expert chart analysis, mentorship, copy trades, and automated expert systems are available for premium subscribers. Terms and conditions apply.
Ballsdex Community
Welcome to Balls Dex community! This is a fun little server I made for people! Read the page description if you want more information.
Lunar Generator™ | Free Acc…
💸 #1 Discadia server for Free Accounts, Generators & Marketplaces. Get free accounts with our account generator for Roblox, Valorant, Fortnite, Minecraft and more today! Lunar offers free accounts in under 5 seconds.
Pulsive | #1 Generator・Alt …
💰 Pulsive is the leading provider for accounts, with the #1 fortnite and valorant gen on discord. By using our account generator, you will receive accounts for platforms like roblox, valorant and more. Join Pulsive Gen and receive accounts today.
This is a great friendly server. You can chat here. Attend in short games. Talk in vc. Show your presentation.
DESAIN stands as an inclusive and community-centric collectible Genesis art initiative within the Ethereum network, designed for dreamers, creatives, and visionaries.
The Blue Cartel
The Blue Cartel teaches Copywriting, Self Improvement, and Business.
Born from /r/gamingcirclejerk, this Discord is a global community discussing games, films, politics, sports, and more. A welcoming space for everyone (except gamers). Join, share memes, and praise Geraldo!
GT Dual Enrollment
In MATH 1554, the key focus is calculating the output vector of a Leontief model using row reduction—skip the eigenvalue stuff! In MATH 2551, it's all about finding the volume of an ice cream cone using spherical coordinates.