DieWeirdConversasiO Verify
So,it's the official r/DaWeirdConversasiO verify server, after some checking of you, you will be Apt to go in the bigger server, we do : -gaming -anime -general thing -memes -3 bot (one is redditcord) -and other things JOIN NOW
Arctic Hideaway
The Hangout Zone is a community created to have a safe space for anyone over 18. It contains an active Owner and Staff, a Custom DIscord Bot, and fun activities, such as game/movie nights, Pokétwo bot and more!
SwizBot Support
I'm a multi-purpose discord bot that does moderation and other fun and useful things. Either way, i will try to help you out as much as i can, so take care of me !
All About Varubot
Welcome! Our main focal point of the server is the Pokemon catching simulator bot called Varubot! We also have a friendly community! There are many members willing to help you with any questions you need! Let's play some Varubot today!
Spectral Realm
From this server, you can make many new friends, use bots, enjoy nitro giveaways and bot giveaways! Thank You for joining!
Welcome to PokéWorld! PokéWorld is a pokémon based server, where you can start your pokémon journey with a bot called Myuu! Unlike other bots, Myuu will make your experience as real as the original games!
🎉servidor do gyzo 🎉
Um servidor de jogos mobile e Pc, tem memes, um bot do servidor que não faz nada além de contar piadas 🤝, pode mandar desenhos e mais coisas
𝐄𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐟𝐢𝐪 👑
This server is made for gaming, entertainment, chatting, music, bot-fun, etc. All the members are like brothers and sisters on this server. This is the perfect server for you if you are interested in the topics said before.
A bot centered server to hangout and make new friends with, featuring Dank Memer and more!
ça change !
DLCM ( Developement Community ) Est un serveur pour aider si vous avez un problème avec votre bot ou une erreur que vous arrivez pas a régler.